Irrigation digitization starts by collecting data to decide and act.

The world’s most complete soil sensor

HYDROBALL® is an autonomous spherical probe approximately 8 cm in diameter, buried at root level, capable of analyzing soil characteristics and water tension in real time, providing data and irrigation recommendations on the user’s mobile device or browser.

The digitalization of irrigation in the professional and domestic sphere involves taking data in real time, which is processed and analyzed in computer applications. The digitization of irrigation in the professional and residential sectors involves collecting data and receiving it in real time on your computer or mobile device to make decisions wherever you are.

Icono terreno

Collects and analyzes data on soil composition.

Icono inteligencia artificial

Applies AI and recommends irrigation patterns or manages it intelligently and autonomously.

Icono meteorológico

Crosses the data with the weather forecast for your area.

Icono dispositivos

All this from the user’s computer, tablet or cell phone.

Icono humedad volumétrica

Volumetric Humidity

Promotes nutrient absorption and healthy plant growth, avoiding problems of dryness or waterlogging.

Icono Tensión hídrica

Water Tension

Maintains an optimal water balance in the soil, ensuring that roots have constant access to the hydration necessary for their development.

Icono Total de agua disponible

Total available water

Knowing the soil and crop characteristics, it is able to calculate how much water is available to the plant at any given time, in real time.

Icono Textura del suelo

Soil texture

Influences water retention and aeration capacity. A well-structured soil facilitates root growth, nutrient circulation and avoids waterlogging problems.

Icono conductividad suelo

Electrical conductivity

It reflects fertility and capacity to retain nutrients. Its control ensures the availability of essential nutrients for crop growth and yield.

Icono temperatura


Affects plant germination, development and metabolism Its monitoring allows adjusting cultivation practices and optimizing yields under different environmental conditions.

HYDROBALL®, a unique technology

Remains buried at the root level of the crop, protected from theft or urban vandalism.
At a cost about 4-5 times lower than other similar probes on the market.
It is totally autonomous and can send data wirelessly, without the need for data loggers or external power sources.
Allows immediate start-up and daily use, without the need for technical knowledge.
Integrated with the HYDRODISPENSER irrigation controller, or with other professional irrigation actuators, it allows you to automate and manage irrigation wherever you are.
You can cross-reference the data with the weather forecast for your area.
It can allow you to incorporate AI to your Smart Irrigation System, to recommend or automate watering patterns to the person who manages it, directly on their mobile or browser.

DENODL® Smart Irrigation technology is born with the vocation of:

Facilitate the work of professionals.
Optimize water resources.
Help maximize agricultural production of all types of crops.
Reduce environmental impact.

Operation of the HYDROBALL® system:

Animación riego inteligente

The applications

Digitized irrigation can save up to 40% of water resources in all sectors.


Private and public




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