Tech for Easier Life

What we are,
what we do

We are a technology company that was born with the vocation of designing solutions that convert professional tools of high cost and complex use, in economic, accessible and easy to use products, in strategic sectors such as the digitization of water resources or health.

Dibujo de manos y pájaros


The team

Combining experience, prudence and knowledge with boldness and disruptive thinking is essential to be original but also effective.

Board of Directors

Fernando Sarría Pueyo
General Manager

Fernando Sarría Pueyo

Alejandro Lecumberri Iriarte
Deputy to General Manager

Alejandro Lecumberri Iriarte

María Aranzazu Mateo Goenaga
Financial Manager

María Aranzazu Mateo Goenaga

Amaia Uriz Zarza
Human Resources Manager

Amaia Úriz Zarza

Raúl Calavia Rodríguez
Sales, Mkt & Business Development Manager

Raúl Calavia Rodríguez

Andrés de la Ossa
Operations and Technical Manager

Andrés de la Ossa Sendra

Operating equipment

Pablo Maeztu Sola
Mechanical Engineering Department

Pablo Maeztu Sola

Sayyar Ahmad
Electronics Department

Sayyar Ahmad

Ander Cilveti Álvarez
Software Development Manager

Ander Cilveti Álvarez

Enrique Lafraya Gutiérrez
Software Development

Enrique Lafraya Gutiérrez

Daniel Huarte Latasa
Software Development

Daniel Huarte Latasa

Gonzalo Berástegui Arbeloa
Software Development

Gonzalo Berástegui Arbeloa

Javier Gracia Fernández
Software Development

Javier Gracia Fernández

Iker Pérez Pérez
Electronics Specialist

Iker Pérez Pérez

Marian Gárriz Jiménez
Production Specialist

Marian Gárriz Jiménez

Abdul Sami
Telecommunications Engineer

Abdul Sami


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